As it turns out, I think Salesforce Chat doesn’t use Long Polling, even though their documentation says they do: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.live_agent_rest.meta/live_agent_rest/live_agent_rest_http_long_polling_loop.htm So, I’m planning ahead and thinking I might be best off using just normal polling. What’s the best way to implement a “polling” scheme in Apiant? Would a unary protocol thread also be appropriate here?
I’m hoping someone will help clear up my confusion on Salesforce’s polling scheme in response to this Stack Exchange post: https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/249374/does-the-live-agent-api-really-use-long-polling
I decided to start a new thread instead of adding to the Long Polling / Salesforce Chat thread (Long Polling / Salesforce "Chat"?), even though this one is on a related topic.