Mindbody appointment scheduler CRM Card

I’d like the MBO appointment scheduler (staff-side) to show up as iframe when clicking ‘Book Appointment’ in the screenshot below, but it doesn’t seem to be working. I keep getting errors like ‘can’t connect’ or ‘tried to redirect too many times.’

I’m not sure if it’s because I’m using a development MBO account, if I’m referencing the wrong URL, or if it just isn’t possible.

Any ideas or advice?


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Hi @aalthaus,

Yes, Mindbody like most major companies don’t allow their content to be in an iframe.

Next best thing would be to use properties in the CRM Card of Link type:

Then build the links in the automation:
GIF Recording 2024-03-26 at 1.58.18 PM

The properties in the card are then links:

GIF Recording 2024-03-26 at 2.58.44 PM

Yeah, I figured that was probably the case, but didn’t know if MBO had an embed code somewhere that I hadn’t found yet. Looks like there is a widget add-on for websites, but I don’t think my client has access to the widget-builder.

Thanks so much for this approach! I’ll give it a whirl.