V7.21 System Release

  1. In the automation editor, if action settings are data-mapped and the source action of the field mappings is edited and saved, the data mappings are now retained rather than becoming broken.

  2. In the automation editor’s action settings, if a setting is data-mapped and then the data-map checkbox is unchecked, the UI control made visible will now have an empty value rather than showing the raw data-mapped value.

  3. The automation editor’s “paste from clipboard” functionality now verifies that the pasted content is valid, to avoid creating malformed steps.

  4. Key-value setting controls in automations now support the “=” character in their values.

  5. The admin console’s Automations screen has been mildly redesigned, with some buttons being moved to a new “Actions” menu located at the top right of the list of automations. The Actions menu also includes new functionality to export the current list of automations as a CSV file.

  6. In the automation editor for accounts having a subscription plan with settings, if a text setting is cleared, after re-opening the settings screen the value can now be edited in a text control instead of appearing as an invalid numeric value in a number entry control.

  7. The right-click menu for app assemblies in the Assembly Editor’s catalog now includes a new menu option to export all assemblies associated with the app.

  8. Integrated TinyURL, including a shorten URL action.

  9. “Loops” in automation diagrams are now referred to as “Array Iterators” to help reduce confusion to the functionality they perform.

  10. In the Module IDE’s Java implementation page, the left side of the code editor now has a “Delete Java” button that can be used to delete a module’s Java implementation. The main usage of this is when a copy of a module is made but the new module doesn’t need a Java implementation to run on the server.

  11. The “Dialog Window - Alert” module has been renamed to “Dialog Window - Message” and the URL to open has a new option to select the target where the URL will be opened, either in a new tab/window or in the current window.

  12. Fixed an issue in the automation dashboard where after making edits to an automation’s Execution Windows the edits were not reflected in the UI when immediately viewing the execution windows again even through the edits were saved to the database ok.

  13. Automation execution windows can now be edited as raw XML.

  14. Under the automation editor dashboard’s gear menu options, the Manage menu’s “view accounts deployed to” option has been renamed to “find in accounts” and the displayed results now include a header explaining that the results are accounts having an automation with a matching name.

  15. When retrying a large number of errors from automation history, the system now slowly feeds the retries into the work queue to try to avoid possibly exhausting database connections.

  16. Added the “Text Mappings [Single Value]” module to the assembly editor. See its help info and sample assembly.

  17. Assembly diagrams now support error handling, where a separate assembly diagram executes when any module raises an error. Common usages are to convert technical error messages into user-friendly ones, or to perform needed post-processing when errors occur. For more information, see Error Handlers - APIANT

  18. Column labels in the Account Data and automation Stored Data screens are now positioned above the column query search entry fields and always appear, instead of being positioned to the left of the query searches and only appearing if the monitor had enough horizontal space.

  19. A tight loop in the assembly execution engine’s implementation that consumed a fair amount of CPU time has been refactored so it now uses negligible CPU.

  20. Items in the assembly editor’s Quick Picks list can now be moved to different positions in the list via drag-drop.

  21. When automations are turned on from the admin console’s Automations screen, the system now uses the owning account for each automation to turn them on so that the system correctly recognizes if needed app connections exist.

  22. Certain internal errors that could occur in the automation processing engine are now surfaced in the automation’s history as a typical error entry, rather than an empty non-clickable entry being created.