V7.05 Upgrade 5-20-22

  1. The Human Interaction app now has native system form support, where forms can be designed with a WYSIWYG drag-drop designer. There is a “new form submission (instant)” trigger. Its form designer provides the form URL. When submissions are made to the form, the automation is trigger and the form fields are emitted. There is also a “create a form” action that allows a designed form to be initiated as an action. It emits the URL to the form, which is typically sent to someone to fill out. The corresponding “await form action” snoozes the automation until a submission is received, at which point the action emits the submitted form fields. See https://info.apiant.com/automation-editor/forms-overview for more info

  2. In the automation editor, the action setting for action error handling has been changed from two radio buttons to a dropdown pick list that adds a new option for “continue on any error”.

  3. The Deploy Automation dialog no longer lists inactive accounts.

  4. Fixed the Data Streams - Join Nodes module so it correctly processes a full outer join when running on the server.

  5. The automation execution status now displays the estimated completion time for top-most loops. This is most helpful when an automation is processing a single trigger data row and is performing looping, b/c previously there was no way to calculate the estimated time remaining which is based on how long each trigger row takes to process.

  6. When searching task history from the automation editor’s dashboard, the results are now sorted with the most recent first in descending order.

  7. The assembly editor’s top-right “More” menu has a new option to close all opened tabs.

  8. The assembly editor’s top-right “More” menu has a new option to open the newly added tab session manager. All opened tabs can be saved as a named session that can be opened from its list. Saved tab sessions can also be deleted.

  9. Automation execution status now displays the total execution time while the automation executes.

  10. The automation dashboard’s right-click context menu options “Manage account data” and “Dump account data” have been moved to under the top-right account menu. These options only appear for accounts having the “assembly developer” permission or “switch account” permission.

  11. The automation editor dashboard has a new tabular design.

  12. The Admin Console’s user accounts screen can now be sorted by either name, email, date created, or active status.

  13. The system can now be configured by the sysadmin to store automation logs, batch job logs, and lucene automation history data in separate filesystem locations.

  14. Automations and subroutines can no longer be deleted if they are referenced by “execute automation” or “execute subroutine” actions.