Greatly improved the performance of the Transform Date Time “modify and reformat date time” action. Previously it could take 2 to 3 seconds to complete, now it takes less than 10 millis.
Alert email body text is now limited to 4096 characters in length.
The system can now be configured to send API invocation metrics to a Splunk HTTP Event Collector for dashboarding, reporting, and alerting.
The Asana integration has been updated due to their API being changed to rename the “id” field to “gid”.
Fixed the “retry” button in the dialog that appears after choosing to “retry all” errors from automation history, such that retry processing now occurs.
Fixed a regression where System.out.println() within Extension - Server-Side Script modules was not being written to automation logs.
The system now auto-retries actions that return a 429 rate limit exceeded HTTP status code. Retries happen up to three times, after 5, then 10, then 15 minutes.
A new appJSP.logHttpResults() method for inlined Java JSP code within assemblies is now available. The method logs the results of API calls made with HttpClient. When run in the Assembly Editor the logged entries go to the developer’s trace log. When run in an automation the logged entries go into the automation log. If the system is configured to use Splunk then API metrics are also sent to Splunk.
A new log_curl_results() function for inlined PHP code within assemblies is now available. The method logs the results of API calls made with curl. When run in the Assembly Editor the logged entries go to the developer’s trace log. When run in an automation the logged entries go into the automation log. If the system is configured to use Splunk then API metrics are also sent to Splunk.