Duplicating postman call in apiant

I am currently working on a business central integration. I am able to use any get call and retrieve data without issue. great.

The issue I am having is on post calls. In postman I am able to use the same credentials (basic auth: user, pw) and I can create records no problem. return 201. great

When I try to do the same in apiant i get an 400 error.

I am guessing it has something to do with the authorization or formatting in the http transaction but i really dont know.

the assembly in question is 91b913d30eb44f9a8947f6d6c4629047
Any help is appreciated

Hi Brent,

That saved assembly is making a GET.

Please save a test case for the POST for me to examine.

there you go.


I don’t see any system-specific issue, biz central is returning an internal error:

			<message><![CDATA[The following C/AL functions are limited during write transactions because one or more tables will be locked. Form.RunModal is not allowed in write transactions. Codeunit.Run is allowed in write transactions only if the return value is not used. For example, 'OK := Codeunit.Run()' is not allowed. Report.RunModal is allowed in write transactions only if 'RequestForm = FALSE'. For example, 'Report.RunModal(...,FALSE)' is allowed. XmlPort.RunModal is allowed in write transactions only if 'RequestForm = FALSE'. For example, 'XmlPort.RunModal(...,FALSE)' is allowed. Use the COMMIT function to save the changes before this call, or structure the code differently.  CorrelationId:  48299523-b52f-4966-bcfc-95ddb5cdb69b.]]></message>

No worries. found my issue. thanks for looking.