I think i know the answer but wanted to check. Using the data rows - unique module, is there anyway to apply it to the parent record only and ensure unique children only in that one parent?
<Description>10-IN-Invoices - Posted 07-07/01/2022</Description>
<Description>10-CR-Cash Receipts - Post-07/01/2022</Description>
within each “row” there is a “clients” node. there are repeating clientIDs that needs to be unique but only unique to that “row”. in the sample data 000212 exists in both rows.
currently if i run the unique module, that second row’s 000212 values are removed since it already exists in the first “row”. Is there a way to use the unique value that way? if not I assume i would have to create an array or hash table when building out this dataset and unique values that way.