Data Rows - Sort

For the data rows - sort module, if you apply multiple criteria, how does it handle them?

I assumed it would sort in order but that is not what I am seeing.

I set it up to organize a set of rows as so…

What I receive is the following data…


if you look at the last few you can see it alternates with departmentid having a value and not. I would expect those to be sorted so there are the ones with no value grouped then the ones with a value following in ascending order.

I am not sure if it is an issue of not handling a null value or if I set something up incorrectly.


I can confirm the issue.

If I try to sort these it fails:


But if I sort this it works:


Apparently it doesn’t like to sort string values when some of them are empty.

I will try to fix. Would you want your system patched with a fix as soon as available?

Yes please. using that for an assembly im trying to finish this weekend

I have patched the Data Rows - Sort module with the fix.

The problem only occurred in the assembly editor, not in automations.

Reload your assembly editor to get the patch.

great. will do. thanks

Hi Robert, looks like a follow up to this…

I currently am sorting by employeeId on a record and that worked fine.
I am now trying to add an additional sort to after employeeid it would sort on date as so

It appears to not be working (at least on the assembly editor side, I have not tested on the server). It will still sort the employee but ignores the date.

Can you check this out? the date I am using is in the mm/dd/yyyy format.


The Sort module cannot sort by date/time values:

What you can do is to use the DateTime - Text to Epoch module to first convert the date time strings into a numeric epoch millis format, then sort the rows on those numbers:

ok. gave that a try but have a new issue.

Using the same entrydate field as before, it is creating a subnode of <as_epoch>. great.

each instance of entrydate has a different date but the as_epoch field all have the same value. as if it takes the first instance and applies that value to all the following ignoring the new date value.

Any thoughts?

Would need a test case to reproduce, this one works ok for me:

The problem may be with your input format, check here for documentation:

Here is the data is question. the last node in each sodocumententry (BILLED_TIMESHEETENTRY.ENTRYDATE) is what im trying to convert/sort

That data works ok for me:





Hopefully that isn’t real customer data you posted…

for every row, regardless of date, I get


no, it is sandbox data, but i will remove it incase their sandbox holds real information.

I will work with mine more and see if I can figure out what is going on.
